About Us

Diacorehealth is a company that sells diabetes supplies, home care and first aid supplies to consumers through an online store. The company also supplies its customers, e.g. for the elderly and disabled, health care supplies (e.g. diapers, wound care products, skin care products, etc.) directly to their homes. With a variety of easily accessible and flexible solutions, customers are provided with the products they need at a reasonable price.


Diacorehealth  is an advanced, comprehensive service system tailored to the needs of nursing home or individual health care, which fills the gap between the prevailing care system and the individual being treated.

Diacorehealth works with the customer online and uses mail or another familiar channel to deliver products to the customer’s home or nursing home. Deliveries are prepared according to the customer’s needs and wishes so that both: the individually packaged accessory that fits in the mailbox and the parcel arrive at the customer home effortlessly and quickly.

In its operations,Diacorehealth complies with ethics and laws and regulations. These include absolute confidentiality and anonymity, which also applies to the delivery of products and services to the customer, as well as the careful and compliant handling of customer information in accordance with the GDPR. Implementing the customer’s individual wishes at all stages of the service chain is of paramount importance to us.

Our product range includes e.g. diabetes supplies, wound care and incontinence products, dressings, hygiene products, and stent, cosmetics where applicable, oral hygiene, skin care, etc. The product range and range of services are constantly being developed and expanded to meet customers’ wishes and needs.

Diacorehealth is a system that is constantly being developed together with customers: the technical implementation itself enables two-way, interactive communication with the customer, is flexible and adapts to changing needs, trends-or even epidemics. Our main goal is to serve the society.
